As we are knee deep into the preseason of football, I am continuing my journey into learning about what happens during the game. Today, I take on five more terms (I feel like I am back in the fourth grade learning vocabulary words!) and find out what they mean and confess to what I thought they meant.
Fair catch—What It Means: This is when the player returning a punt waves his extended arm from side to side over his head. Once there is a signal for this, the player cannot run with the ball, nor can he be tackled.
What I Thought It Meant: The play was done fair and square.
Just for laughs,once I found out what it really meant, I got this image in my mind, mostly because of the waving.
Field goal—What It Means: This is a kick that is worth three points. It can be attempted from anywhere on the field but is usually done within 40 yards of the goalpost. It must sail above the crossbar and between the uprights of the goalpost to be ruled good.
What I Thought It Meant: Another term for touchdown, although I wondered why a soccer term was used in a football game—even though soccer is called football in other countries. Oh well, have some sexy field goal fun.

Fumble—What It Means: Losing possession of the ball while running with it or being tackled. Both the offense and defense can recover a fumble. When defense recovers the fumble, the fumble is called a turnover.
What I Thought It Meant: Okay, I actually knew this one, but had no idea about the turnover. Had you told me the term turnover on its own, I would have thought of this:

Handoff—What It Means: When two players, usually the quarterback or running back, hand the ball over to another player.
What I Thought It Meant: It is pretty self explanatory, but it is another term I never heard of before today.
Hash marks—What It Means: These are the lines on the center of the field that signify 1 yard on the field. Before every play, the ball is spotted between the hash marks or on the hash marks. Where it is depends on where the ball carrier was tackled on the preceding play.
What I Thought It Meant: Not a clue, but this popped into my mind.

Stay tuned for more learning tomorrow!