Another day, another set of terms to learn in the always unpredictable game of football. Some of these next terms are ones I actually knew (or partially knew) while the others are ones that completely threw me for a loop. Here we go!
Huddle—What It Means: When the team comes together to discuss strategy between plays. The quarterback relays the plays in the offense.
What I Thought It Meant: This is one I actually knew….so, touchdown for me?
Incompletion—What It Means: This is when a forward pass falls to the ground because no receiver could catch it. It also occurs when a receiver drops a pass or catches it out of bounds.
What I Thought It Meant: A play that was incomplete. I now have this song in my head.
Interception—What It Means: A pass that’s caught by a defensive player and ends the offense’s possession of the ball.
What I Thought It Meant: Stealing the ball. I googled it and to me it looks like a Jerry Springer type fight.
Kickoff—What It Means: A free kick that puts the ball into play during the first and third quarters, after every touchdown and successful field goal.
What I Thought It Meant: The first kick of the game. Or this, which is the best kickoff of all time:
Line of scrimmage—What It Means: The line of scrimmage is an imaginary line that extends from where the football is placed at the end of a play to both sides of the field. Neither side can cross the line until the football is put in play again.
What I Thought It Meant: A pre-game lineup.
Stay tuned for more lessons in tomorrow’s column!