Now that football season has officially begun, people are now starting to play Fantasy Football. When I first found out about Fantasy Football, I thought it was people making up their own little football games, similar to when people would write fan fiction. Of course….of COURSE, I was wrong.

For the next few days, I will be covering all the terms, game tips and all the nitty gritty that goes along with this game that has all my guy friends excited during football season.
Also, for the record, although the word FANTASY is used, there are no whips, rolls of duct tape or sex chambers involved.

So what IS Fantasy Football? Basically, players join a league, scout for and draft players and compete with each other and other teams to win.

This is done by researching all available players so they can set up a roster and eventually build a team. Each week, players and fantasy teams compete against each other. Their stats are converted into points and the team that earns the most points wins. (To me, it sounds like Four Weddings)

Each week, players have the option to change their line up by swapping out or trading players The top teams are then put into a single elimination tournament to decide who is champion. (Now it sounds like Hell’s Kitchen finale week.)

We will get into the roster, terms and scoring, as well as other Fantasy Football tips as the season progresses. Stay tuned!