Hey, welcome back to the epic lessons of Fantasy Football, brought to you by your humble correspondent. Well, maybe clueless correspondent is more accurate, but to each their own. Tonight we are continuing with our lessons on the terms used in Fantasy Football. Who knew football and handcuffing were actually related? I am beginning to really wonder about this game….
Fleecing—What It Means: This is when players take advantage of a bad coach in a lopsided trade.
What I Thought It Meant: Buying fleece? Performance fleece from Old Navy to keep the players warm? I have no clue.
Maybe Fantasy Football teams can make jingles that get as stuck in your head as this one does.
Flex—What It Means: This is a slot in your lineup that accepts more than one position. Flex positions usually accept wide receivers, running backs, or tight ends.
What I Thought It Meant: Flexing muscles and acting tough because you think your lineup is the best.
Johnny Bravo got confused when it came to flexing on his Fantasy Football lineup
Free agent—What It Means: A fantasy player who is currently not on any team roster and has cleared waivers.
What I Thought It Meant: I actually knew this, but only because Michael Sam was on Dancing With The Stars last season and talked about being a free agent.
This free agent made me cry with his life story, courage and strength. Adore him.
Game-time decision—What It Means: This is when they wait to see if a hurt player will start.
What I Thought It Meant: Final game decisions before starting.
Will this be played while they come to a decision? Personally, I’d prefer the Rose Ceremony Music from The Bachelor/ette, so here you go.
Handcuffing—What It Means: They draft a backup and a starter from the same NFL team.
What I Thought It Meant: Trying to stay PG-13 here….I thought there were actual handcuffs involved, but didn’t know why. I guess no more Cops of Fifty Shades for me?
I couldn’t find the video I wanted, but this one is so much better!
More lessons coming soon!