The blind side. This is something I always hear in football, yet never knew what it meant. Granted, I did only start watching football recently, so I have a semi-excuse, but still, it is something I should know, especially since The Blind Side is one of my favorite movies.
One of my favorite scenes from the movie.
So what does it mean? The answer is quite simple. The blind side is simply the side opposite the direction a player is facing.
An example of this is when a right-handed quarterback sets up for a pass. At this point, the left tackle is responsible for protecting his blind side. I can only assume the opposite happens for a left handed quarterback.
The reason for this is to keep the blind side of the quarterback safe. This is because it is at higher risk for a turnover and the quarterback will not see the impact coming. The team’s best offensive linemen are also there to protect the quarterback.
In short: It is the side the quarterback can’t see, so he needs protection from his teammates.

Stay tuned for more lessons.