Londin Angel Winters, founder of Metaphysical Fitness and author of “Loving Your Weight Off”, takes you through a killer workout to get you into top shape both mentally and physically to rock your best ski season yet.Check out the free, 30 minute workout here: https://youtu.be/E-s73FA7wpQ
Londin Angel Winters – As Co-Founder and CEO of Metaphysical Fitness, Londin Winters is a leader bringing together the art of mindfulness with the technology of physical training. Author of the book Loving Your Weight Off, Winters offers a unique approach to weight release using the power of aligned action. Creator of the workout series Mindful Sculpt, Winters offers a path to body transformation that harnesses the power of meditation in addition to intelligent training. Winters is on a mission to help people become free in their bodies. She believes the body is our most powerful teacher right now, literally tuning each and every one of us the awakenings that will take us into the next level of human evolution. Her approach to embodiment is one of being easy with it and letting love and inspiration gently guide the way.
Professional History
Winters brings a unique mixture of business and fitness mastery. In her 20’s, Winters worked as a producer for NBC News, winning multiple Society of Professional Journalism awards and an Emmy. In her 30’s, Winters traveled all over the world as Executive Producer of an exclusive Travel Network. In her 40’s, she found her passion for fitness and became a champion Figure competitor. This passion led her back into the workforce to become top trainer and Tier III status at Equinox Gym in Santa Monica, CA. Winters later left the brand to create Metaphysical Fitness, bringing her mastery of hypnosis and NLP as well as an extensive background in Tantra and Advanced Energetics to the field of physical fitness and the art of body sculpting.
1. I got into fitness at the age of 38 when I hit rock bottom with hours of cardio yielding no results. I vowed to stop at nothing until I had the body of my dreams and the tools to maintain it with ease.
2. The ski season prep workout is a short guided workout video anyone can use to prepare for their best ski season of all time. It uses what great athletes use to dominate their sport — intelligent training combined with powerful visualization techniques.
3. It is different than other workouts because it recruits the tremendous power of the sub-conscious mind. Again, great athletes do this. Doesn’t it make sense for us to do it too?
4. People can benefit because all success starts as an idea. First you see it in your mind’s eye, then you manifest it with your physical form. However success can’t be created by fantasy alone. So the ski season prep uses mind and body training to get you ready for supreme performance on the slopes.
5. The easiest workout for people on the go is my Mindful Sculpt series… 9 workouts, 20-minutes targeted to specific results. You want to look amazing at an upcoming event in a strapless dress? Do the “arm-flap blast” video every day till your event. You want to look amazing in a Brazilian cut bikini? Do “booty blast” video every other day till your outing, etc. Focus and visualization!!
(Here is a promo video for Londin’s “Mindful Sculpt” workout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOVSXrrxEbc
“Mindful Sculpt” Getting Started Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkKKxYeji3Q )
6. Diet – I go into great detail in my book “Loving Your Weight Off,” but I’d say the best thing is to get your metabolism optimized. I like to think of the metabolism like a campfire. Some actions/foods stoke the fire. Others douse the fire. Keep the fire burning!
7. My favorite treats…
Sweet potato homemade baked fries. Tasty but not terrible for you.
Frozen strawberries for dessert… Takes a long time to eat a small amount of calories.
Flavored teas with stevia at night… I can taste the flavor of a rich chocolate indulgence with no calories whatsoever.
8. My fiancé is 15 years younger than me! Haha.
9. What is sexier than football in high heels?!!
Thank you Londin!