Confession time! I did not train at ALL yesterday. I had a rare day off, the weather was yucky and I was feeling a bit under the weather. I also desperately needed to clean my house. (okay, half the day was spent watching The Golden Girls on DVD, but I did get some things done!) Anyway, today was a catch up day to get my workout in. We still had crappy weather, but I was able to work out at home.
I also was able to make my water taste better today! As you know, I get tired of plain water or water with lemon, so today, I added a bag of mixed fruit instead of ice. It consisted of strawberries, pineapple, mango and peaches. Next time, I will do half a bag because it was a bit too sweet, but it helped me get most of my water intake in!
I do need to work on my food and diet though. I did pretty well today, eating pasta pre-workout, bran cereal for breakfast and fish, veggies and potatoes for dinner. I also had my coffee (do NOT EVER ask me to give this up!) and string cheese for a snack. My biggest problem is not eating enough and not getting enough protein in my diet. I also love snacks, but I am trying to be healthy about it. (Although, like my coffee, I will not give up my chocolate.) I will continue to work out different meals and post recipes and snack ideas along the way. I also have to up my Juice Plus intake. This is a challenging process, but I am willing to do what it takes to make it through.
On another note, my treadmill, like Jerry Jacks, Christian Vega and Jesse Hubbard before it, came back from the dead. I have no idea how or why, but it is back from the dead and allowing me to work out. It is still a bit funky, which throws off my time, but at least it allows me to work out!
Here are some pictures from my training day!

Thank you again for your support and always checking out Football In High Heels.