Model Cheryl Tiegs recently made comments about Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover Model Ashley Graham being a cover model. Ashley is considered to be a plus size model. Out of respect for her, we will not repeat Cheryl’s comments, but we want to tell Ashley that she is beautiful and WORK IT, GIRL! (I wish I had the guts to wear a swimsuit to the BEACH, let alone on the SI cover!)
Celebrity fitness trainer Charity Lynette on Cheryl Tiegs comments about Model Ashley Graham on the cover of Sports Illustrated:
As a Plus Size Fitness Instructor and Plus Model, Cheryl’s comments are offensive to me. “Being a size 2,4, or 6 doesn’t not make you healthy. There are plenty of size 12,14, & 16’s that I know for a fact could out run and work a smaller sized woman. Health and beauty cannot be limited to a dress size. Maybe if the cover girl was a 300 lb woman then yes that could be a health scare. I’m willing to bet money on the fact that Ashley Graham’s vitals signs are perfect except the BMI chart’s that would probably read that she is obese because her height and weight aren’t textbook. And clearly the woman is not obese she works out on a regular but enjoys a burger every now and that still does not equal unhealthy. Every single body is different for some no matter how much you workout or how well they eat still won’t be a size 4. Ashley you are a fit curvy chick and you clearly aren’t letting anyone tell you different rock on girl!”
THANK YOU Charity, for reminding us that beauty and health is not determined by size.