It has been forever and a day since I gave an update on my Ironman training. I will be honest, I have not been training as hard as I should be or as I want to be. I am still running and getting my strength training in, but the biking and swimming have taken a backseat as of late.
Why have I not been training as hard as I should be? The truth is, life simply got in the way. I know some people don’t think this is an excuse, and it isn’t. It is a simple fact of life. My work hours changed, some things happened that were out of my control and honestly, some days I was too tired at the end of the day to go to the gym.
Folks, these things happen. I am not happy about it, I am not using it as an excuse, I am simply owning it and being honest that my life for the past few weeks didn’t allow me to get my training in the way I wanted. I have to work in order to pay my bills, so I take on every single shift given to me. Things in my life have happened that have become more of a priority than training. Working out while completely exhausted is never a good idea because you increase your risk of injury, so I simply caught up on my rest so I could be 100% when I was finally able to work out.
However, just because I have not been biking or swimming doesn’t mean I am not working out at all. I am still getting my running and strength training in, although lately it has been very difficult for me to get to the gym. I am lucky enough to have a job where I can get both of these in while working. (I will be talking about this in a future post.) It is not an ideal situation, but right now, with my life situation, it is what works for me.
That being said, I am recommitting myself to my training. I plan on biking (right now at the gym using an indoor bike since I have yet to buy an outdoor one) and finally signing up for swimming lessons. My Ironman dream is not dead, it just simply took a detour and now I am ready to get back in action.