Hello and welcome to another week of NBC’s The New Celebrity Apprentice. Last week, we said goodbye to Eric and Nicole in two eliminations that took us by surprise. (Eric because he barely said two words most of the time and Nicole because she seemed to have more of a fight in her initially. Still love the both though!)
This week, it is all about motorcycles. They will be doing an advertising campaign for Kawaski.
The men, led by Carson want to reach different demographics, especially women. I love their lipstick and shoe idea. Carson wants to do tasteful nude shoot for humor….and bring in a drag queen. The men aren’t too sure about how this will go over with executives.
The photo shoot of Carson naked….I love this man….that is all I can say.
There is someone’s baby there watching. I don’t know what is more hilarious….that, the drag queen, Carson’s photoshoot or the reaction of the other guys.
Okay, so the baby is Chael’s. He does a shoot with his wife and baby. Others include a priest, models and Ricky reenacting Arnold’s horse photoshoot. They end up with so many pictures that they do an ‘outtakes’ poster. I think this is quite creative.
Kyle is in charge of the ladies. They want to do a relationship type shoot, so they get Brooke’s husband to help. Also, I am pretty sure I had her outfit in high school. Their idea is to show how the bike is for everyone, but women are in power.
Brooke’s husband doesn’t want to do the shoot, which causes a lot of problems. They are now worried because they aren’t sure the shoot will get done without him. They end up doing a celebrity shoot, showing their strengths. Brooke’s husband ends up doing it, but insists on being up front on the bike instead of on the back like they initially wanted.
Each team then presents their campaign to the advisors. They give their pros and cons amongst themselves before we go to the boardroom.
Once in the boardroom, everyone has a laugh over Carson’s nude shoot. Arnold thought it was terrific and wanted to know why it wasn’t a main photo because the camera adds ten pounds.
Arnold also wants to know why Brooke was on the back of the bike. She explains she wanted to do it with her in the front, but they decided to do it the other way.
Each team is given the pros and cons of the project before we find out the winners are—THE MEN!!! Carson won money for the True Colors Foundation, which helps get LGBT youth off the streets and into a safe place.
Kyle’s charity is also given money for Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles.
Kyle doesn’t understand why they lost. Arnold explains it is because they didn’t like Brooke and Porsha’s shots. Brooke says she listened to her husband idea because she thought they had enough women representation and they wanted to show it was for both men and women. Arnold says they could have won had they gone with their original idea of Brooke being in the front. Arnold says he would have done the shoot their way. Brooke also disagrees that this was the reason they lost.
Laila thinks the creative direction of Kyle, Porsha and Brooke contributed to their loss.
Kyle, Brooke and Porsha are the ones being called back to the boardroom and in danger of being fired. The advisors and Arnold deliberate and then call the girls back in.
Each woman states their case as to why they should stay and who should get fired. In the end, it is Kyle who is terminated and sent to the choppa. I personally think Brooke should have been fired, especially since she is the reason they lost.
The second hour has the teams being mixed up. Brooke is determined to be PM because she has yet to step into the role.
Carson, Vince and Chael are now with Prima, Brooke and Laila are with Arete.
The task is to make a celebrity campaign for See’s Candies, where they raise money via fundraising for the PM’s charity. One team member from each team will fly to Omaha to see Warren Buffet and present him with a new candy, which they will be creating and selling in addition to fundraising.
Vince and Ricky are the PMs, despite Brooke wanting the job. She knows it is a numbers game this week, so she lets Ricky be in charge.
The teams get to work making their new flavor. Some of the flavors are delicious sounding and make me want more chocolate! Vince’s team decide to take a candy they know Warren Buffett likes and put a modern spin on it.
Ricky wants to send John to Omaha, mostly because he is a distraction. This causes a bit of argument between them, but eventually John agrees to go.
Chael is also going to Omaha. Since he is familiar with his books, he thinks he is the best choice.
Matt is worried because he is the least know celebrity and will probably raise the least amount of money.
Brooke is worried because she isn’t sure Ricky will be able to raise the $300,000 he promised. He says he has big sports and cannibbis donators on hand to help.
Warren Buffett meets with the guys. Chael’s is a dark chocolate brittle with cashew, while John’s has a raspberry, milk chocolate and vanilla flavor. He likes the both of them, but only chooses one for the winner. For now, that is only between him and Arnold.
The charity fundraiser begins, but Brooke is worried that the money Ricky promised won’t arrive on time. Apparently, he is big in the pot community? Okay then! However, they end up with a lot of donations, which includes one from Sugar Ray Leonard. Matt is thrilled that his friends were able to help out and give donations. We even see someone come in with a briefcase filled with $41,000.
Vince’s team is quiet at first, but then the donations come rolling in….they have strippers, Hooters girls and Carrot Top. Even Kyle Richards, who got fired in the last episode, makes a nice donation.
Boardroom time! Arnold quips that he gained five pounds from this project.
Each team then gives pros and cons of working together before Arnold gives the results.
Team Arete: $365,745
Team Prima: $378,535
Tasting Win: Team Prima (with cash donation)
Vince’s charity will get $769,000. He chose Keep Memory Alive, in honor of a friend of his who died from a brain disorder.
Ricky is told he did not raise enough money, but Ricky thinks John is the weakest link, having only raised $500. Arnold is blown away that he could not raise more money.
Boy George raised $119,000, the same as Ricky.
Laila created the candy, but doesn’t think it contributed to the loss. However, she says that if it is the reason for the loss, she will own it and accept her firing.
Jon says in terms of raising money, he is responsible, but people also kept rejecting his ideas for the candy.
Ricky brings Jon and Laila back to the boardroom. Jon defends himself and Laila when it comes to the candy and money. Arnold thinks he had too many shortcomings and terminates him, sending him to the choppa. He understands why he was let go and admits he sucks at fundraising. Him running around trying to go back was hilarious.
Stay tuned for more next week!