Hello and welcome to The New Celebrity Apprentice on NBC. Tonight we begin at center court the Staples Center, where Lisa Leslie did the first dunk for the WNBA. The task is to work on a project for the Clippers—at time out tonight, they need a presentation to fire up Clipper Nation and to create a shirt for the event. 

Boy George is back and sent to work on Team Prima.

The PMs are Ricky and Lisa. The winner will get $75,000 for their charity.

Team Arete: Matt thinks they can build We Love This Team into a frenzy. The rest of the team loves this and wants to go for it. Ricky and Brooke work on a shirt, but disagree on creativity. They finally come up with something, but Brooke is still worried. Laila is also sick and run down, causing her to not be able to do as much.

Matt…..oh, my Matt. He is so excited and fun, it is like having a little kid on Christmas morning working. However, he is imitating Steve Ballmer, who doesn’t really appreciate the sentiment.

Team Prima: Carson is doing shirts, while Boy George will be in front of the mic working on music. Hr has fun with the task and it seems like he really is getting into making it perfect. Everyone is up and dancing and I just want to party with these guys. They even tell Patrick that Lisa is going to rap.  Carson admits he is kind of sweet on Patrick.

Patrick thinks Lisa should do some basketball, but she decides against it, which has him worried.

Each team performs and my favorite moments were Carson delivering the t-shirt and Boy George. Nothing could have topped that.

In the boardroom, each team gets pros and cons on their performance and give their own on how they think they performed.

Each team looks over the other’s design and give their thoughts and concerns.

Prima wins on t-shirt design and creativity with music, while Arete wins for crowd performance.  Lisa gets $75,000 for her charity, Semper Fi Fund, which helps support the troops.

Team Arete now needs to fire someone.Ricky owns the issue with the design and says Laila didn’t contribute as much because she was sick. She says she did what she could and was on the other side working the crowd. I don’t think it’s very fair to punish her for being sick.

Brooke talks about how her design ideas were rejected, leading to her and Ricky to get into it.

Ricky decides to bring back Brooke and Laila. Again, not fair to Laila because she is sick. Honestly, she should have been home in bed because if she had that same thing I had last week, there is no way she could have worked.

The advisors deliberate with Arnold and think Laila has a bad attitude and again, she is sick!!! They are ganging up on her and she did what she could, but she had to also focus on getting better for her kids! They also think Ricky was PM and should take responsibility.

Laila does NOT take well to this and says she is a quiet, focused fighter, after all, she was the only one to win for Prima. You go, girl! This show made me love her even more.

Arnold deliberates with Ricky, Brooke and Ricky and wants to hear who should be fired. There is more arguing until Arnold decides to terminate Ricky and send him to the choppa.

The second hour kicks off at Gold’s Gym. Leeza Gibbons is there to help with the task, which is to sell new, modern gym equipment for QVC. They will price, create a pitch and sell it live form Muscle Beach.

Carson and Brooke are the PMs. They’ve both been on QVC, so it is going to be interesting.

Prima: They decide to use Boy George’s weight loss story as their testimonial, which upsets Lisa, because she wanted to do the segment focusing on moms. Leeza wonders why the do this and Carson explains it is because they want to show someone people can relate to when looking for products to get them in shape.

Arete: Brooke and Laila take over and pick a piece of equipment they like, so Matt lets them have at it. They have some models helping them out and Matt is sold on buying the product, thanks to them and Brooke.

When Leeza stops in, she tells them there is a problem with the ship date, which sends everything into a tailspin.

Each team does their live show, checking to see how many sales they make along the way. It is interesting to see them try and sell their product live, especially team Arete, who have the challenge of selling a product that is a month away from being shipped.

At the boardroom meeting, each team gets the pros and cons of their broadcast. Carson explains that they used George because people might find him more relatable. Each team continues to defend their idea.

Arete sells more units and makes more money, so they win the task. Brooke’s charity wins $50,000 for Operation Smile.

Prima will now have to fire someone. Each member defends their decisions and explain why they made their decisions. Leeza wishes she would have heard more from George, while Arnold wishes  Carson would have played up to the strengths of his team.

Arnold decides to get rid of both Lisa and Carson, leaving George the lone member of his team.

Join us next week to see who makes the final two! Stay tuned.

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