Hello and welcome to the first ever Dancing With The Stars Athletes competition. This is a four week event where ten athletes will compete for the mirror ball trophy.
Tonight will be a bit different than previous seasons in terms of voting and eliminations. Each couple will dance, as per usual, but voting will begin as soon as the first couple dances. Viewers will have the chance to change their vote throughout the show. All the votes will be combined with the judges’ scores and the two lowest scored couples will be eliminated.
The show opens with a group number done to Queen’s We Will Rock You. The judges are all dressed as umpires.
Celebrity Athlete: Chris Mazdzer
Claim To Fame: Olympic Luge medal winner
Pro: Witney Carson
Dance: Salsa
Sammi: He is hot! He seems to have picked up on the technique and footwork, and also added his own pizazz. For someone who isn’t used to doing a ‘standing sport,’ if you will, he did very well!
Len: He is impressed with his technique and confidence.
Bruno: He offers some advice on where to tighten up and place his weight, but he did very well overall.
Carrie Ann: He had a jam packed performance.
Scores: 7-7-7=21 out of 30
Celebrity Athlete: Kareem Abdul Jabbar
Claim To Fame: NBA legend
Pro: Lindsay Arnold
Dance: Ch cha cha
Sammi: These two are so cute together. I know the height difference is a challenge, but he has such a positive attitude and personality. He may not be the best dancer ever, but who cares? He’s just too cute for words and he gets to dance with a bunch of pretty ladies. He’s like the fun uncle or dad at a wedding trying to dance and have fun.
However, the best part is the genuine respect Lindsay has for him.
Bruno: Majestic and imposing, yet simple and dignified.
Carrie Ann: This is what the audience loves, but he can get groovier.
Len: He wishes he can give him a ten for admiration. He did well, but needs to loosen up.
Scores: 6-5-6=17 out of 30.
Celebrity Athlete: Jennie Finch
Claim To Fame: Olympic softball player
Pro: Keo Mostepe
Dance: Foxtrot
Sammi: She is so classy and graceful. Her and Keo have great chemistry and it is so sweet to see her kids included in the dance.
Carrie Ann: She attacked every movement full out.
Len: He tells her where she needs to improve, but she did well.
Bruno: She has a fresh quality about her. He gives advice on where to improve, but thinks she has what it takes to do well.
Scores: 7-7-7=21 out of 30
Celebrity Athlete: Jaime Anderson
Claim To Fame: Olympic snowboarder
Pro: Artem Chigvinstev
Dance: Viennese waltz
Sammi: The Winter Wonderland theme is gorgeous. She is like Elsa on steroids. Classy, elegant and beautiful. She is obviously very nervous, but overall seemed to be the best of the night so far.
Len: She had elegance and personality.
Bruno: It was like watching Elsa unfrozen. However, she lost her footing.
Carrie Ann: She was nervous and rushing, but did well.
Scores: 6-7-6=19 out of 30
Celebrity Athlete: Mirai Nagasu
Claim To Fame: Olympic figure skater
Pro: Alan Bersen
Dance: Salsa
Sammi: They are definitely the most energetic couple of the night. They may also be the best Latin dancers so far. She’s got energy, pizzaz and sparkle for days.
Bruno: She did very well with attack and rhythm, but he warns her to not make it too much.
Carrie Ann: She is a boss out there, but she needs to calm down a bit.
Len: There were some tricks, but it was terrific.
Scores: 7-8-8=23 out of 30
Celebrity Athlete: Arike Ogunbowale
Claim To Fame: College basketball champion
Pro: Gleb Savchenko
Dance: Salsa
Sammi: She is much better than I expected. She is having a ball out there and letting it all shine. She really picked up the technique as well!
Carrie Ann: She is impressed with her, but wants to see her in heels next week.
Len: He wanted more hip action, but he enjoyed it.
Bruno: He wants her to open up a bit more in movement, but he did like it.
Scores: 7-6-7=20 out of 30
Celebrity Athlete: Adam Rippon
Claim To Fame: Olympic figure skater
Pro: Jenna Johnson
Dance: Cha Cha Cha
Sammi: He gave the whole competition what for with this predominate. HOT doesn’t even begin to describe their performance….and I don’t even mean the chemistry, which is the most incredible this show has ever seen. If they don’t win the whole competition, I am calling shenanigans!
Len: He loved it!
Bruno: He loved it as well.
Carrie Ann: She thinks they are amazing.
Scores: 8-8-8=24 out of 30
Celebrity Athlete: Johnny Damon
Claim To Fame: MLB legend
Pro: Emma Slater
Dance: Foxtrot
Sammi: I like how she helps him dance using the baseball bat. As an aside, I interviewed him when he was on Celebrity Apprentice and he was a sweetheart.
His dance is very basic, but has a cute baseball twist. More importantly, he is looking like he is having a blast. He needs work, but he will get there.
Bruno: He gives him places to improve, but thinks he will do well in the future.
Carrie Ann:. He needs to relax, but he is adorable and will improve.
Len: He gives him some places to improve as well, but salutes him for his hard work.
Scores: 6-6-6=18 out of 30
Celebrity Athlete: Tonya Harding
Claim To Fame: Olympic skater
Pro: Sasha Farber
Dance: Foxtrot
Sammi: Redemption, thy name is Tonya. That was gorgeous and honey? You didn’t fail whatsoever, in fact, you shined like a star. That smile at the end was priceless. The technique may have been basic, but it was well done.
Allison Janney is in the audience!!! Can we get her on next season? The young Tonya from the movie was on too.
Carrie Ann:. She is a beautiful dancer and it was full of depth.
Len: It was a charming dance.
Bruno: He gives her some minor places to improve, but he enjoyed it overall.
Scores: 8-8-7=23 out of 30
Awe, Emma hugged her!!!
Celebrity Athlete: Josh Norman
Claim To Fame: NFL star
Pro: Sharna Burgess
Dance: Cha cha cha
Sammi: What a way to end the night! He is following in the footsteps of the football players before him who competed, kicked arse and took names. That was HOT and he has rhythm and flair like nobody’s business.
Len: He is another footballer who can dance.
Bruno: He has charisma and sex appeal.
Carrie Ann: He is a fly guy.
Scores: 8-8-8=24 out of 30
RESULTS! In jeopardy: Jaime and Artem, Johnny and Emma and Tonya and Sasha are in jeopardy.
Tony and Sasha are SAFE!!!
The two couples going home are Johnny and Emma and Jaime and Artem.
I don’t think this elimination was very fair, they should have had two go home in the beginning of the next episode instead. They didn’t get a fair chance.
More next week, stay tuned!