As many of you know, I have been an entertainment journalist for the past ten years. Tonight, one of my assignments was to live tweet The Big Bang Theory/Young Sheldon crossover for Starry Constellation Magazine.
As a big fan of both shows, this was a great assignment. However, I did not expect to learn more than I could have ever imagined.
Tonight’s episode of The Big Bang Theory dealt with Sheldon being in mourning over his theory being disproven. He goes to watch a video he made of himself when he was younger (cue the Young Sheldon crossover), only to find out that his father taped over his pep talk with a high school football game he had coached.
Sheldon was upset and refused to watch any more. However, his wife Amy decided to continue watching, causing Sheldon to eventually tune in as well. Little did he know that he was going to get a huge lesson from his late father.
During the game, Sheldon’s father told his team that “you learn as much about who you are and what you are made of from failing as you do from success.” While he probably wanted to make his team feel better over losing the game, he ended up inspiring Sheldon to look at his theory from a different angle. He also made him realize that he isn’t at the end of his game, just at halftime.
This was a game changer for me as well.
I have spent the last few months feeling like a failure. I wasn’t feeling fulfilled from my job, I hit a wall with my websites, my finances were a mess, I made a huge mistake (okay, a series of mistakes) regarding my personal life and…..well, you get the idea. I, like Sheldon, was a mess.
While I managed to work through it and get most of my life back on track, I still didn’t feel successful. I still felt like a failure. Until tonight.That one quote made me realize that I learned a lot about who I am and what I am made of during this trying time. I made a huge decision to revamp both websites, making FIHH into a lifestyle site and TVGrapevine into what I’ve always wanted—a more modern version of Inside Edition. I am not quite there yet, but it is slowly and surely happening. I put myself on a budget and paid off several bills.
I’m working on fixing my other two situations, but I know with time and patience, I will get there as well. It might not go how I want, but the fact that I am learning from these mistakes is just as important as getting to the end result.
This is my halftime. The game isn’t over yet. There is still more to do, more to learn. I now know from my failures that I want to work on becoming a better person and to continue to a learn from my mistakes. I want to take my websites to the next level. I want to make better financial decisions. I want to flourish in my professional life. I want to make amends in my personal life.
I will do it. I learned a lot from these hardships (failures, if you will) and know I can do it.
Thank you George Cooper, for this important lesson.