If I learned anything this year, it’s that I don’t know what the future brings. As I mentioned on my Instagram post yesterday, this year has been filled with a lot of changes, hardships and all around weird events. Nothing that happened could have been predicted, and while some things could have been prevented, other events would not have happened. (I also made a laundry list of mistakes, but again, they allowed me to learn and grow.)
I’m not going to get into much detail or specifics on my personal struggles, but I will tell you that these moments were all learning experiences. I grew as a person, made some changes in terms of my career and had to let go of certain things and people.
The thing is, I never would have predicted any of this happening last year, or even last month. I thought things would go a certain way, but several ‘plot twists,’ as I call them, happened and completely changed the course of things in life.
The loss of a relationship allowed me to see what I wanted for my future and allowed someone else to find their happiness. A job not working out led to me revamping my websites/shows and having more time to pursue my dreams. Losing someone I cared about let me reevaluate my own life and change how I do things. I can go on and on, but the point is, this was not the future I planned, but it worked out anyway.
Roz Doyle said it best on Frasier when she gave the doctor himself a pep talk on the series premiere. Even though things may not happen how we planned, they can work out anyway. (However, let’s hope we all have better luck than Lupe Velez did in Roz’s story!)
I have faith that things will work out, despite not knowing what the future holds. The only thing I know for sure is what they said on Blossom: ‘in my opinionation, the sun is gonna surely shine!’