Thursdays are my late day because I work my ‘real life’ job and then have a ton of journalism work to do at night. I also had errands to run today, which made tonight’s meal all the more challenging.
HOWEVER, The Big Bang Theory oddly enough made my meal plan challenge a bit easier tonight.
Although it wasn’t shown in the episode, seeing Sheldon Cooper’s face inspired tonight’s dinner. Well, kind of. As you know, I made Mac and cheese last night and had some left over. I remembered that I also had hot dogs in my freezer. (Nathan’s brand because I am a NY girl!) I also remembered Sheldon loves pasta with hot dogs cut up in it. (My friend’s son also loves this.) Hence, my meal was born! I cooked up my hot dogs and heated up the rest of the mac and cheese as a side dish. While it is not quite Sheldon Cooper-esque, it is a good combination of that and some of the meals I used to make when I was a broke college student.
I know, there are no veggies in this meal, but I did eat fruit today and I have wine, which is made from grapes, which counts as fruit. That is my story and I am sticking to it.
Tomorrow is day 7 and not only will I have another meal, but I will go over the biggest challenges I’ve faced so far!