30 Day Food Challenge: Day 8

Today was difficult in terms of the food challenge. I won’t even lie. I am working an 11 hour day between my freelance job and real life job. To add to my stress, I forgot to grab the food I had prepared for today.

Enter stressed, hungry, HANGRY Sammi.

I ended up having to stop for food. There was literally no other option since I won’t get home until 10pm. I only hit the dollar menu at McDonald’s, but I feel guilty about spending the money. The upside is I can eat when I get home and plan better for tomorrow.

I have Uncle Ben’s Rice in a microwaveable package, spinach and carrots to mix together to make a semi-healthy meal for tomorrow. I won’t beat myself up for circumstances I am unable to control.

Lesson for today: PLAN BETTER and grab my food on the way out.

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