Three weeks down, one more to go! Despite one or two setback meals, I am very proud of myself for cooking at home and finishing off whatever is in my house.
Tonight, I am actually eating some of that leftover pasta, but that doesn’t mean I am not cooking. I am preparing for tomorrow’s meal, which will be chicken quesadillas with cheese, peppers and spinach. I had defrosted a chicken breast and popped it in my air fryer so it is ready for tomorrow. I also defrosted the veggies so all I have to do tomorrow is assemble them and put it in the quesadilla maker. Simple, fun and it gives me an excuse to play with my kitchen appliances. (I have a slight addiction to buying different appliances, and it is fun when I actually have time to use them!)
This will also allow me to finally finish those tortillas I got! I initially got them to make a enchilada casserole, but realized I only needed a few. Hence the reason why I have so many left over! Lesson for the future: portion the bag and freeze until needed.
I’m at the home stretch now, so I am excited to see what else I can make with what is left over.
Tomorrow I will post my quesadillas and some more lessons I learned.