30 Day Food Challenge: Day 30

Folks, today is the LAST day of this 30 Day Food  Challenge! Despite a  couple of days where I had to buy food, I  cleared out almost everything in my house, save for a couple canned goods, pancake mix, rice and pasta.

This led me  to realize how I grossly  overbuy when it comes to groceries.  I buy what is on sale, impulse buy or shop when I  am hungry, all of which lead to excess food in my house, lack of room for things and wasting food, which in turn leads to wasted money.

Since today is the last day of the challenge and my only  day off this week, I  decided to do my shopping today. Since I don’t have a car at the moment, I decided to use InstaCart and have Aldi deliver everything. (Note: I am not affiliated with either company, nor am I  getting paid to mention them. I’m just giving them a shout out.)  As I perused each section of the website, I began adding items to my cart without thinking. When I went to check out, I realized I was once again buying on impulse or buying things I know I won’t always use. For example, I  had bread on the list. I  ALWAYS buy bread and nine times out of ten, it ends up  getting moldy,  stale and therefore getting thrown out.  I have tried freezing it in the past, but I  find the taste is always  off.  I  thought long and hard before finally removing it from my list.  The same went for the bacon. (I know, some people are like ‘she passed on getting bacon?’) This is another impulse buy where I  think I  am going to use it, but it usually ends up in my freezer, forgotten. Then I  have to defrost it and use it quickly before it goes bad. SO not worth it.   Delete from cart.

I  instead stuck to the staples I know I  will use and eat, without overbuying on things that were on sale or looked delicious. My go-to foods include eggs,  avocado, salad,  tomatoes, fruit, meat and cheese.   I also included beans in order to make  chili.  My goal is to once again use everything and not shop until it is all gone.

The odd thing? I  didn’t even feel tempted to buy cookies  or other snack foods.  Not only is is a waste  of money for me since I rarely  eat them (I buy something, eat a few and then said snack sits in my cupboard until it has to be thrown out) but it also gets rid of the temptation of mindless eating!

Thank you Jenny and Maureen for this idea!



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