Before I begin, I want to apologize for not recapping WWE Raw and Smackdown this week. Life got in the way….and sadly, the recaps had to take a backseat. I’m going to try to do Wrestlemania, but it depends on my schedule and Real Life.
Anyway, today is my first say back at the gym in a long time….I’m almost ashamed to admit it has been about a month since I have gone, making me feel guilty and unhappy. I tried to work out at home, but it is never the same, especially since my apartment is too small to get in a decent workout.
That being said, I am actually looking forward to my workout. I know it has been a long time, and i know how out of shape I feel, so it will make me feel better to get that workout in.
I have also made it a priority to get my workouts in, thanks to my flexible work schedule and longer days. In the past, it was difficult to make this happen due to work commitments and shorter days. Since I don’t have a car, I rely on the bus to get me to and from the gym. During the spring and summer months, this is fine, since it is still light out in the evening. However, it is more difficult in the colder months due to the location of the bus stop. (The bus stop is in a weird area that makes it hard to cross the street in the dark.) Now I can get to the gym after work (by working an earlier shift three days a week) and be out in time to avoid the crossing the street in the dark issue. My goal is to make it there 3-4 days per week, with a 45-1 hour workout each time. While I know there will be some hiccups, I am determined to follow this as much as possible.