Time for another challenge! I will of course be posting about sports (after all, it is Stanley Cup season AND MLB season) and try to do as many WWE recaps as I can,. depending on my work schedule.
So, what is this challenge, you ask? I plan to change my life in terms of my finances. She has quite an interesting 30 cash challenge that can prove to be beneficial in my life. While I do make a decent living through my Real Life job as a researcher (and extra money via my journalism/influencer gig), I am SO not good at saving money. I like to go out, spoil my loved ones and have a bad habit of impulse buying, especially when it comes to coffee, snacks and food. My goal is to stop doing this so I have extra money for things I truly want and need.
This is where the change comes in. I recently found an article on Buzzfeed that discussed a No Cash Challenge. I plan to do this one step at a time until I break my impulse buying/overspending habit.
There are several tips on here, which I will go through in the coming days. The first one I will focus on is my biggest vice: going out to eat/buying coffee. As many of you who follow me know, I live alone and am a bit of a workaholic. This usually leads to me going out to eat (because cooking for one is sometimes annoying and pointless)and buying coffee (to stay awake!), both of which wreak havoc on my bank account. I could make the argument that the coffee will keep me from being Angry Sammi and Sammi-Smashing things OR keep me from falling asleep at my desk, but the truth is, none of these things have really happened. Yes, I’ve been a Cranky Pants at times, but that is something I need to work on by myself, without blaming my lack of caffeine.
My plan is to instead bring tea into my office and drink that instead. Not only will I be saving money, but it will calm me down as well.
As for buying meals and snacks? That is going to be a bit tougher since the Adrian Monk in me HATES using the work fridge/microwave. (Luckily, we have a Keurig to heat up my water for tea) However, it is not impossible. The plan is to make snacks and meals that don’t require refrigeration. This will be a whole other challenge I will post in the coming weeks.
Wish me luck!