Getting Over Meal Prep Annoyance

I promise you guys I will go back to sports lessons and snark soon, to be honest, I haven’t really had much time to watch sports live as of late. However, I invested in PlayStation Vue and now get some great sports stations, which will make writing and recapping a lot more fun, especially during football season. I’m still going to try to do some WWE snarks, but no promises, since I have to do other recaps as well. I might do quick-caps, but we will see.

Anyway, I have a confession to make. My name is Sammi and I  HATE meal prepping. I tried to do it in the past, but for some reason it is not for me. Trying to cook a week’s worth of meals in one day is not only time consuming and annoying, but a waste of time. I live alone, so cooking for one person for one day is difficult enough, let alone cooking for a week. I don’t mind eating leftovers, but the problem with meal prepping is, I rarely want to eat what I’ve cooked later in the week, leaving me with wasted food and buying food out, costing me more money and eating food that is not good for me.

What is a girl to do then, you ask? Eating out all the time is not an option, for it is not healthy and fairly expensive….and let’s face it, not always the most delicious option. I am also very indecisive when it comes to cooking…..for example, I will want chicken and rice for dinner in the morning, but get home and decide I want pasta. This means one of two things happen, I settle for food I DON’T want, or I cook what I want and am left with a defrosted piece of meat that must be used or get tossed. As I’ve established, option two is not an option that is good financially, nor is it a good idea to waste food.

My plan is to first stop being so indecisive. If I decide in the morning to have chicken, then that will be my meal, even if something else sounds appealing.

I also learned how to portion out my meat when I buy it to avoid defrosting too much at once. This avoids cooking too much food or ending up with leftovers I don’t want.

The other part of the plan is to do mini preps. Instead of cooking a week’s worth of food in a day, leaving me with too much food and massive amounts of dishes, I cook enough for my dinner that night and for lunch the next day. On nights when I get home late, I plan to have quick, easy meals at the ready. My go tos on these nights are egg and rice and pasta, the latter of which can be brought into work the next day. In the case of no leftovers for lunch, the plan is to bring in salad or yogurt with sides. This is easy to grab and portion out while watching TV and leads to less dishes.

How do you deal with meal prepping? Sound off in the comments.

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