Tonight is yet another night of CBS’s Big Brother. In the last episode, we saw Kemi get to Camp Comeback and Nick became the new HOH. Alliances fell apart and it was backstabbing galore, thanks to Isabella playing both sides of the game.
Nick and Isabella are upset that Kemi called them out at the eviction ceremony. This causes Isabella and Kemi to get into a fight that Sam must separate.
Nicole is being blamed for voting for Jessica….which was Michie’s plan all along. He tells Jack, who is proud of this move and game play. Nick doesn’t think Nicole voted for Jessica and is beginning to lose faith in Michie. Isabella is having similar thoughts. They decide to put more trust into Sam.
Nick and Nicole have a chat and he promises not to nominate her this week.
Analyse, Nick, Jessica and Christie are doing the Whacktivity challenge. They have to wade through cockroaches and other gross stuff to find symbols and put them into a phrase. The one who does it correctly in the shortest amount of time wins.
Christie wins! She is given the diamond POV, which can take someone off the block and have a replacement put up right away…..by the POV winner, not the HOH. She tells Tommy all about it and they decide to keep it between them…..even when Jack tries to tell them he has his own power.
Kemi tries to keep up with her social game by helping Nicole. She tells her she knows Cliff said he is an alliance with her and Ovi, which leads to Nicole telling Cliff. He feels bad and offers himself up as a pawn to Nick. He also wants to work with him and Isabella, despite the fact that Nick wants him gone.
Kemi gets her CC uniform, while the rest of the house begins discussing big moves. It seems as if Gr8ful is falling apart, so Nick, Sam and Isabella want to do something, but worry it is a bit to early to go after Jack and Michie.
Nomination ceremony! Cliff and Jessica are nominated….it’s not personal, just easier to put people up who have already been nominated.
More Wednesday! Stay tuned.