Yesterday I told you guys I am doing a two week tri-challenge that involves fitness, food and organization. I began with food yesterday, making different dishes out of chicken breasts and today I am focusing on fitness. The fitness challenge will go on for longer, but for now, it is part of this two week challenge.
I hate to admit it, especially since I used to work in the fitness industry, but I am not in the best shape of my life anymore. Several factors went into this, stress, working long hours, laziness, my love of good food, traveling…the list goes on. I miss my muscular body and plan on getting it back.
That being said, I won’t post fitness videos, but will post my workout plans on the days I workout. (I plan to start with three days a week and gradually add more.) Today consisted of a twenty minute walk, followed by some weight lifting. I know it wasn’t much, but in this heat it was all I could bear. I did, however, do three different sessions of weight lifting….four sets of ten reps three times today. I did bicep curls, tricep work and shoulder exercises, using a five pound set of weights. Once I am used to that, I will increase my weight.
I also downloaded several videos on Amazon Prime to do on my workout days. Each one focuses on a different body part and best of all, are no more than fifteen minutes long, so I can do at least two on the days I work out!
I look forward to sharing my fitness plans and results with you in the future!