Tonight is another eviction night on CBS’s Big Brother. Either Jack or Michie will go home. The two once had a bromance, which ended once alliances cracked and people started showing their true colors.
After a quick recap, we get down to business. (By the way, this is going to be short and sweet since we lost power here and I am just looking for highlights online….since no power=no way for me to watch. (Credit to social media, my good friend Michele and Gold Derby)
We see Jack and Michie do their weird alien punishments from the POV comp…..Jack is woken up at all hours for 24 hours, Michie has to do weird tasks given by an alien for a day.
The two of them also campaign to get everyone to save them. Jack sweet talks Cliff with promising to not nominate him if he wins HOH and tries to get his former alliance to get along.
Michie is sick of Christie and her running the show.
Eviction time! Both guys give their speeches as to why they should stay and then it is time to vote for who should be evicted.
Everybody except for Christie and Analyse vote for Jack, therefore evicting him and sending him into the jury.
Now, I have no clue what was said, but apparently Jack was roasted during his exit interview. Again, once I get to view show, I will let you know what was said.
HOH competition. Everyone except Jessica, the outgoing HOH, will do a kayak competition. They have to race and finish in nine seconds or less.
Scores according to GoldDerby:
Cliff – 9.70
Christie – 9.19
Tommy – 8.90
Nicole – 10.20
Michie – 9.39
Kat – 11.29
Analyse – 9.14
Holly – 10.07
Nick – 9.82
Tommy wins! He is also happy because it is his birthday and this is a pretty sweet way to celebrate.
More Sunday! Stay tuned!