This week has been quite hectic with work, an emergency plumbing issue in my apartment, running both sites and an unexpected power outage. Needless to say, it was difficult to keep everyone updated on my tri-challenge.
While it was VERY difficult to keep up with three different challenges, I managed to do it, although all of them were done on a modified basis.
1. Food challenge. I have done a pretty good job of bringing my lunch into work, although I need to work on bringing enough food. I work the midday-night shift at my regular, non-website related job, which means it is during both lunch and dinner. I usually have one meal and a snack, but realizing this doesn’t always work, leaving me a grumpy, hangry Sammi! The plan is to work on this for next week.
I also ended up buying dinner during the blackout and one other day, simply because there was no other option for the former and the latter had to do with the fact that I was too tired to cook….and because I was watching Bachelor in Paradise. Priorities….
The goal is to actually COOK more this week and resist the urge to buy food out….and to also bring enough food into work to avoid this problem.
2. Workout goal. While I didn’t work out as much as I would have liked this week, I did squeeze in some smaller workouts. As I mentioned, I walk quite a bit in order to get to the bus stop and because I live in the city, so that is a good way to keep me moving. I also got in some weight lifting this week, although I know I could have done more.
Next week, the goal is to do one of the Amazon Prime workout videos every other day. Most of them are no more than fifteen minutes long, so I can do them in the morning before work or while cooking dinner.
3. The third goal was organizing and purging. This, ironically, is the only one that actually got the most attention. It is ironic because you would never be able to tell by looking at my apartment this week, I’m ashamed to say it is a huge mess right now.
However, I did toss out some old papers and expired coupons, as well as some old toiletries I have been hanging onto for way too long. I figured that if I haven’t used it by now, I probably won’t, so why hold onto it?
I also used the blackout as an opportunity to clean out my fridge. While I was VERY LUCKY to not have any spoiled food, I know it as high time to go through everything and toss out what was going bad. It also showed me that I buy WAY too many dressings and condiments and there is absolutely no need for it. I now know to just buy ONLY what I plan to use in the span of a month.
I will be back in a few days with another update, stay tuned.