Tommy’s HOH reign begins on tonight’s episode of Big Brother on CBS. When we left off, Jack was out of the house and became the first member of the jury. Michie wants nothing to do with anyone.
The Six Shooters are no more, but Tommy wants them to reconcile in order to take over the house again and get rid of Kat. This leaves Kat, Cliff and Jessica worried because they are not members of the alliance. They have also been on the block before.
The plan is for the Shooters to pretend they are still fighting and put Cliff and Kat on the block, with Kat as their target. Cliff talks to Tommy and says he will make sure he is safe next week, but Tommy assures him he has nothing to worry about.
Kat talks to Tommy as well, who tells her that the Shooters are not getting back together and Kat realizes he is lying. She also lied to him and promised him safety next week. She also complains to Michie.
America’s Field Trip! Christie, Michie and Analyse are a part of this and it turns out it is only a backyard competition involving eggs in a cage. They have to move the eggs to letters that spell out the word SAFE. The first to do this wins immunity.
Michie wins, while Analyse tries to throw the competition to keep Christie in the house. She eventually gives up on this plan and comes in second place, putting Christie on the block and giving herself a punishment.
Michie and Holly make out, Christie cries and Cliff sees this as a way to finally get rid of Christie. Kat promises to save Christie, but tells the Diary Room that she is lying and only telling Tommy and Christie what they want to hear to save herself.
Analyse has to dress like a chicken all week as her punishment.
Nomination ceremony time! Tommy nominates Kat and Cliff for eviction. Cliff thinks he is going to be fine, while Kat cries.
POV comp Wednesday! Stay tuned!