It’s the third results show before the semi finals on NBC’s America’s Got Talent! Seven acts will move on, while five will be eliminated. One will be saved by the judges, while another will be saved by the Dunkin Save.
Jackie Fabulous, Lukas and Falco and Marcin Patrzalek are in danger.
Gonzo and Detroit Youth Choir are the first to find out their fate. Gonzo is Gone-zo, Detroit Youth Choir is in the semi finals.
We get a new Vegas act, some tweets and learn Simon doesn’t know what Ramen Noodles are. Then we get to more results.
Berywam and Emmane Beasha are the next to find out their fate. Emmane is staying Berywam is gone.
Matthew Richardson, Dom Chambers and Eric Chien are called to the stage next. Matthew is eliminated, Dom and Eric are staying.
Benicio Bryant and Mackenzie are up next. Benicio is staying, Mackenzie is going home.
Dunkin Save Results are in. Jackie Fabulous is in the semi finals!
Marcin is saved by the judges in a unanimous vote (although we never heard what Julianne said), sending Lukas and Franco home.
More next week, stay tuned.