We are on the final night of semifinal performances on NBC”s America’s Got Talent. Eleven acts will perform tonight with only five moving on to next weeks’ finals.
As always, Terry Crews hosts. Julianne Hough, Gabrielle Union, Howie Mandel and Simon Cowell judge. Queen Latifah joins them tonight.
V. Unbeatable: Dance Troupe (Dwayne Wade’s Golden Buzzer)
WOW. Just when I thought they couldn’t top their last performance, we get something new. Tonight, they add a ladder to the performance and literally leave everyone on the edge of their seats.
I am in awe and my jaw is on the floor the entire time.
The judges are blown away and in awe as well. Simon thinks we will be seeing them next week.
Dom Chambers: Magician
Tonight he adds some beer to his performance. It involves making it disappear and having Simon guess numbers. It’s a bit weird, but overall enjoyable.
Queen Latifah wants to know about his brewski diet, while Gabrielle remembers why she fell in love with him. Simon thinks he will end up in the finals.
Luke Islam: Singer (Julianne’s Golden Buzzer)
He is amazing and talented, but my big fear is he might get lost in the shuffle with his performance. He is good, but I feel like he didn’t quite stand out.
The judges, however, love him…Simon is actually speechless! Howie can’t wait to see him on Broadway.
Lukas and Falco: Dog Act (Wildcard)
These two are adorable! However, the act was kind of all over the place. As much as I love them, I think this is their swan song. Doggo must think so too because he sits on Howie’s buzzer.
The judges point out mistakes but love the dog.
Chris Klafford: Singer
He sings an original song again, much to Simon’s chagrin. He makes some mistakes, but overall, he does well. I said it before and I will say it again, Ipersonally think he is sweet and he kind of reminds me of my one musician friend, who also happens to be named Chris.
The judges enjoy his performance, but Howie says he doesn’t like his strategy. Queen Latifah, however, feels like she is at a convert.
Detroit Youth Choir: Choir
WOW….who else cried? I started at the first not and didn’t stop until they left the stage. They not only have amazing voices, but also have this commanding, powerful presence that makes everyone become captivated.
The judges are also teary, especially Gabrielle. Queen Latifah and Simon are blown away and compliment their director.
Alex Dowis: Light Painter
Tonight’s act is a tribute to 9/11. It shows firemen, death and what seems like people going to heaven. I cried again, it was so beautiful and a wonderful tribute.
It took Howie a minute to realize what was happening, but he loved it once he followed what was happening. The others loved it and think he belongs on the show….for he takes everyone on a journey.
Marcin Patrzalek: guitarist
Whoa! Last week’s near elimination really motivated him to do well tonight. This is by far his best performance to date. I loved every moment of it performance wise, but what I loved more was the obvious determination and hunger he has for the win.
The judges are on their feet in delight over his performance. They think this is his best act to date and hope he is here to stay.
Emmane Beasha: opera singer
She is like another Jackie Evancho. Her voice and talent are on point and she has the star quality and maturity of those twice her age. She definitely has a future in the music business, however, I am worried that tonight she may get lost in the shuffle with all the other great acts.
The judges praise her, calling her unbelievable and a powerhouse. Queen Latifah especially loves how confident she is on stage.
Ryan Niemiller: Comedian
He is hysterical and right now one of my favorite acts of the night. He jokes about traveling and, as always, has some sort of cute charm about him that makes me smile.
The judges think he has a real shot at winning and cannot wait to see a comedy special or movie starring him.
Voices of Service: Military Choir
They also do a 9/11 tribute and once again I am crying. Tonight’s acts seem very emotional. If they don’t move to the finals, I will be royally POed. This was by far the best act we have seen, possibly in the history of the show.
Simon agrees it is the best act he has seen on the series. Queen Latifah finds it life changing and hopes to see them in the finals.
Stay tuned for the results.