It is the season finale of ABC’s Bachelor in Paradise. We have four couples left: Demi and Kristian, Clay and Nicole, Katie and Chris and Hannah and Dylan. When we last left them, they were off to the fantasy suites to further explore their relationships.
We open with Chris Harrison channeling Phil Donahue again, because, of course, it is the finale and we have our reunion. He says we will find out what happened in Paradise, get updates and find out the identity of the next Bachelor.
Everyone has the chance to head to the fantasy suites, but we also get to see the pre suite talks. Everyone seems to be on the same page, except for Nicole and Clay. She wants more than he is ready to give at this point. He wants to go slower, but she wants to take it to the next level.
Nicole and Clay:
Nicole is still upset about being alone the morning after. She feels like she was led on by Clay.
They meet up later on and she wants to know if he loves her. He says he is not there yet and not ready to propose. She is upset and breaks up with him, saying he isn’t giving or doing what she needs.
She leaves in tears, he asks to go to the local pub.
NICOLE! He never said that, he said he wants to take things slower than you. I’m actually on his side here. I used to be a ‘Nicole’ and looking back, I am not proud of how desperate I came across. Clay had the right idea, she should have listened better.
Katie and Chris:
He tells her he cannot live without her and wants to spend his life with her….before getting down on one knee and proposing. She says yes and they seal the deal with a kiss.
Hannah and Dylan:
After they wake up together, they declare their love for one another and get engaged. He loves everything about her and vice versa.
Demi and Kristian:
The two of them have a sweet, loving breakfast before they meet on the beach. Both of them are nervous, but Demi gets down on one knee to propose and Kristian accepts.
Everyone celebrates on the beach….and are Katie and Hannah in the same dress?
After BIP:
Reunion time! We have Annaliese, Angela, Oneyka, Jordan, Cam, Connor, Sydney, Haley, Dean, Christian, Tahzjuan, Blake, JPJ, Caelynn, Tayshia, Dylan, Demi, Hannah, Derek, Kristina and Mike.
No Old Matt Donald? Bri? Clay? Nicole? Chris? Katie?
Why are we missing half the cast? I want answers!!
We get a recap of the season before getting down to business. JPJ and Derek continue to fight over how Derek allegedly hooked up with social media people. Jordan defends Derek and thinks he did nothing wrong.
JPJ still refuses for his meltdown at the wedding.
Haley is mad at JPJ for making her a backup plan. He says that was his bad.
She then talks to Tahzjuan about the seagull-pigeon thing, which makes no sense.
Jordan and Christian get into it…but are warned that security is on standby.
Apparently, there was some drama with Tayshia and Hannah over Blake.
Jordan suggests they don’t get involved pre Paradise….and avoid Stagecoach.
Cam compares it to a giant blind date and for some reason Oneyka calls him out?
Anyone else confused by half this drama?
Caelynn says she is glad she took the risk with Dean because they had a crazy connection. She also gives a half-arsed apology to Connor. She and Dean are happy now and she loves the fan life.
Connor is happy with Whitney.
Kristina discusses her complicated relationship with Blake and the hurt she felt when he was with Caelynn.
As for Caelynn, she had no idea about the Kristina hookup until right before Paradise.
Blake goes to the hot seat and defends his actions and says that he didn’t want to shame anyone. He sees the error of his ways, though, so that’s something?
Demi jokes that he didn’t try to hook up with her and she is offended.
Jordan tells him to stay away from Bachelor girls.
Blake and Caelynn also get into the details of their relationship and the fact that he exposed their private texts. I take back him seeing the error of his ways. Sheesh, dude. Just own your actions.
Oneyka calls him out for slut shaming Caelynn and Chris tells him he violated her. He says he had to defend himself and we go round and round for another ten minutes.
BLAKE! JUST STOP! Either sincerely apologize or shut up.
Awe, Dean is so sweet to her.
We get an update on the BIP super couples and hear about Jade’s birth story. She had her son—unexpectedly—in a closet.
Krystal and Chris are ready for kids.
Carly and Evan are waiting for their second baby to arrive. They do their gender reveal and it’s a….BOY!! Wells jumps out of a cake dressed as a baby.
JPJ/Tayshia update! Awe, she cannot get him out of her mind because he made her so happy. She actually flew out to Maryland to see him and let him know how she feels. Their reunion is so sweet!! The two of them are back together. He recites poetry for her….and I hope if they get engaged we get to see it because it seems like he will pull out all the stops and make it romantic as all hell.
Katie comes on stage. She and Chris have been having problems. While she loves him, she feels like she is putting in more than she can give and he isn’t giving anything in return.
Chris comes out and seems to feel bad about everything that has happened. He seems like he is uncomfortable, but wants to work things out. They talk things out and he gives her the ring back.However, there’s still trouble in Paradise because he feels as if he was blindsided. They walk away from each other and are they broken up? I’m confused.
Hannah and Dylan go on stage and are as happy as ever.
Demi and Kristian are also happy and Demi gets a proposal of her own.
THE NEW BACHELOR IS…..PETER!!! Cue the windmill references. He will begin his journey on January 6th.