On tonight’s episode of The Bachelor on ABC, we will see the final six girls go on their final dates before hometown week. Only four of them will get the chance to bring Peter home….who will they be? Let’s find out!
This week, we are in Lima, Peru. Now I’m singing the Carmen Sandiego theme song. She put the Miss in misdemeanor when she stole the beans from Lima….tell me where in the world is….oh wait, wrong recap.
Peter FaceTimes with his mom, which is kind of cute. He then talks to the girls and preps them for what to expect that week. It was kind of pointless, but whatever. The girls want to make sure they are on the same page as him and discuss it amongst themselves.
Natasha worries that she had not had a one on one yet. However, Madison gets one instead, which upsets her.
He points out that the bandage is gone and they go exploring. They walk, talk and skip rocks. He likes their natural chemistry and how he can see her as a best friend. They make out and then talk about their feelings and where things are going.
At dinner, they continue to talk and she says she sees a future with him. She also wants someone like her dad, loving and a man of faith. Peter admits he sometimes struggles with his faith and respects her devotion. He admits this is scary, but he feels good about this.
He says he is falling in love with her.
It is no surprise she gets a rose.
Hannah Ann and Kelsey talk about Madison and Peter and how they respect her faith. They know she wants Peter to be on the same wavelength and wonder if this will happen. They all love her, but say if she goes home it increases their chances of staying.
Natasha gets the next one on one, much to her relief. Hannah Ann tells her it is her time to shine. They explore,eat, shop and enjoy being together.
Natasha talks about her family and says she says sometimes men find her too intense.
At dinner, they discuss their connection and he sees potential and she feels something special. He picks up the rose…and then says he is sending her home. He says he knows she will find someone and she hopes he finds what he is looking for.
That was kind of mean.
Kelsey and Hannah Ann drink wine and say how they wonder if Natasha will come back or go home. They also joke they want roses over the other one.
Kelsey gets a one on one, meaning Kelley, Hannah Ann and Victoria have a three on one.
Kelsey and Peter go racing and hiking. They seem to have fun together, but she is still worried that she may not get a rose.
At dinner, they discuss her family and how she has a wonderful mom who will make her cookies. She discusses her estranged dad and how he tried to reach out, but it was still strained. They are trying to talk, but her family has no idea. He says he does not understand her situation, but he thinks it is amazing that she is trying to make things work with her dad. He thinks she is incredible and loves the kind of person she is and the heart she has.
He gives her a rose.
Victoria wonders if Kelsey will get a rose because she is emotional….so,pot meet kettle?
The other girls prepare for the three on one. Kelley thinks the three on one is a waste of time because Victoria and Hannah Ann are children.
They go to some tourist place where they are given a talk by some guy who tells them about love.
Peter talks to the girls one by one and there is so much secondhand embarrassment. I can’t even watch. Between Victoria whining, Kelley suddenly trash talking and well, Hannah Ann didn’t really do anything,but they seem so awkward.
He gave Victoria a rose? WHAT?
Hannah Ann also gets one, which means Kelley is going home. However, Hannah Ann is crying and Kelley looks more relieved? Okay then.
More next week, stay tuned!