Tonight is the season finale of The Biggest Loser on USA Network. Last week, we saw Teri go home, where she continued to lose more weight, as well as her boot and gain more confidence. We are about to see who wins this season….$100,000, a trip to Universal Studios and a home gym.
Each final three member (Jim,Kyle and Micah) get a beautiful homecoming and share their experiences and struggles with their loved ones. They also deal with changes in their lives, such as Jim being able to run with the kids he coaches and Kyle and Micah being able to feel comfortable and more confident with who the are as people.
They also get visits from their trainers for extra support and workouts. Kyle also finds a workout buddy in his dad, who is his biggest fan. The support is especially good for Micah, who seems to have trouble adjusting at home.
Bob, Erica and Steve chat about the season and then we get to the reveals. It is done differently this time, instead of being in front of a studio audience,it is just in the campus living room.
Everyone looks amazing and happy. They then share how their lives have changed since being on the show.
Robert and his wife are trying for another baby.
Phi has a trainer and therapists. She also takes twerking and teaches Bob how to do it.
Dom admits to some slip ups but is trying to make better choices.
Kim is divorced and has a new home.
Katarina admits to some temptations, but reminds herself of how far she has come.
Megan realized she is allowed to ask for help when needed.
Kristi had to deal with her husband having major surgery and how to balance everything.
Delores walks laps in the airport when traveling and makes better food choices.
Teri got her boot off and loves to swim again.
The top three join them and look incredible. There are hugs all around. They share their updates and struggles with everyone. Bob quips that Jim looks like George Clooney.
Everyone is given their medical results and told they are healthier than before they were on the show.
Bob announces the top three contestants in the running for the at home prize of $25,000….Megan, Teri and Kristi. They are the only eliminated contestants to get weighed in, which is interesting, but ok.
Weigh in!
At home:
Teri: 256-70=186/27.34%
Megan: 290-83=207/28.62%
Kristi: 264-73-191/27.65%
Megan is the at home winner.
Top 3 weigh in:
Micah: 326-99=227/30.37%
Kyle: 302-86=216/28.48%
Jim: 385-144=241/37.40%
Jim is the winner.In the update we see his trip and how he is continuing to work out and live a healthier life. He has his struggles, but is continuing to lose weight.
Congratulations and thanks for following our recaps!