As you all know, I am doing my 40 by 40 bucket list challenge. Some of the items are difficult to do at the moment due to the coronavirus restrictions, but I am determined to get some of the at home ones done. Right now, I am focusing on two of them, learning Klingon and the cookbook challenge, where I cook every recipe in a cookbook, Julie and Julia style.
I am currently using Duolingo for the Klingon lessons, which is interesting, and also FREE! I know it will take me awhile to learn it, but I am willing to do my best. The goal is not to master it, but to learn it to the best of my ability.
I also decided on my cookbook choice, which is a bit unusual, but otherwise a fun choice. My initial plan was to pick one of Martha Stewart’s books, but as I was perusing around Amazon, I saw one that she did not create, but instead collaborated on by writing the foreword. The book is none other than her co-host Snoop Dogg’s cookbook From Crook to Cook. (Before you ask, there are no recipes containing ‘herbal refreshments’ in this book!) The book is in several parts for different meals, drinks and desserts. Some are simple (smoothies and sandwiches) while some are a bit more complicated (cheesecake and lobster Thermidor), but all of them have a special story that pertains to his life. He also asks about his life and food hat reminds him of his childhood and other special times. I think the latter is what sold me on the book. I have always been a fan of his (mostly of his acting), so this was a great way to get to know more about him.
I will post videos and pictures of each recipe as I complete it and then do another video when the challenge is completed. As for the Klingon challenge, I will post my learning experience via Duolingo and attempt to speak it for you guys. I cannot promise I will be good at it, but I can promise I will do my best and most of all, have fun!